Wednesday, September 7, 2022
HomeWales PoliticsOur remaining Cupboard League Desk of the Johnson Authorities. His score is...

Our remaining Cupboard League Desk of the Johnson Authorities. His score is zero, Truss falls, practically everybody’s down.

The final Cabinet League Table of the Johnson Government bears the mark of a leadership contest that many panel members clearly found unsatisfactory.

As evidence, I cite Dominic Raab. Last month, he was on +41. This month, he is barely in positive ratings, scoring +6. His suggestion in the Times during the campaign that Liz Truss’s policies are an “economic suicide note” will have had much to do with the drop.

The new Party Leader is down a bit, falling from second on +62 to third on +49. She is replaced by Suella Braverman, who is thus at her highest rank ever, with her score effectively unchanged. Ben Wallace floats above the fray in the 80s to top the table.

As for Johnson himself, he ends his table performance, at least for the time being, on precisely zero. And when I say precisely, I mean precisely: he got exactly the same number of positive and negative votes. Last month, no minister or other person was in negative ratings.

This month, Nadine Dorries, Ben Elliot, Alok Sharma and Priti Patel are all in the red. In Patel’s case, the main reason is clear: small boats.



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