Saturday, July 2, 2022
HomeWales PoliticsOur high ten picks of the week

Our high ten picks of the week

Ukraine, leadership ambition, inflation, Tory backbenchers – and more boots on the ground in eastern Europe

Paul Goodman

“This site called for a tilt back to our continent from the Indo-Pacific. It’s now likely to happen.”

Cross-party coalition of peers cuts Zahawi’s chaotic Schools Bill down to size 

Henry Hill

“The Government now intends to remove the first 18 clauses of its own legislation and present the Commons with new ones in the autumn.”

Red Wall MPs do not always come from traditional Tory background. Does that make them more likely to defect? 

William Atkinson

“Two major forces cause individuals to change parties: high principle and low politics. How do these compete in the minds of the 2019 intake?”

Macron’s Grand Project and Johnson’s Mare Nostrum. Are the two leaders talking past each other about Europe’s future?

Stephen Booth

“Delivering the right vehicle cannot be premised on the idea that non-EU states are merely satellites of Brussels.”

Mothers belong in the House of Commons, but their babies do not

Georgia L. Gilholy 

“Parliament sports childcare facilities that most working parents could only dream of – precisely to let MPs focus on their job.”

Why should the state fork out for trade unions? Let their members pay – not the taxpayer. 

Richard Fuller MP

“Research from the TaxPayers’ Alliance shows that 23, 545 union officials in the public sector cost taxpayers nearly £100 million in facility time last year.”

Parents want the police to get tough on cannabis. Why won’t politicians listen? 

Frank Young 

“Our polling suggests seven out of ten parents want the police shaking down those suspected of smoking the drug. They want it off the streets.”

My new polling from Eastern Europe shows both Ukraine and Russia optimistic about victory. 

Lord Ashcroft 

“Opinion in the region is far from monolithic – but with a widespread expectation that the conflict could spread beyond its current borders.”

Call me old-fashioned, but a bit of conservatism wouldn’t go amiss 

Jackie Doyle-Price MP

“The reputational damage caused by bad behaviour needs to be arrested and for that the buck sits squarely with the Prime Minister.”

The West must negotiate with Russia over Ukraine – rather than court nuclear war 

James Baillieu 

“In terms that both Russians and Ukrainians would very easily understand, there are trade-offs that can be made between land and money.”



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