Saturday, January 21, 2023
HomeWales WeatherOpen Thread | Watts Up With That?

Open Thread | Watts Up With That?

It’s time to ban the measurement and compilation of the worldwide common temperature

The advantages:

Ends the debates about world common temperature accuracy

Ends the expense of measuring, adjusting, readjusting, re-readjusting, homogenizing, pasteurizing and infilling numbers yntil they help the popular local weather narrative.

Ends the abuse of historic temperature numbers to scaremonger concerning the future local weather.

Nobody lives within the world common temperature anyway

What distinction does it make what the worldwide common temperature was in 1850, 1923 or 1975? It was what it was, and there’s nothing we will do to alter it.

The present nearly whole waste of cash for temperature information assortment and adjustment by grossly overpaid bureaucrats will finish — they will all be fired.

I’ll do the work free of charge utilizing the thermometer on my entrance porch

I’ll learn the thermometer each morning at 8am and multiply the quantity by the particular fudge issue to estimate the worldwide common temperature for that day.

I’ll publish that quantity on an indication in my entrance yard that may be learn by journalists from their information helicopters for the morning information.

The everybody might be glad — they get that VERY vital world common temperature of the day on the morning information — after which they will chill out and transfer on with their lives.

This remark is severe and didn’t comply with the consumption of six beers. I solely had 5 beers for breakfast right this moment — I’m on a eating regimen.



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