Saturday, July 23, 2022
HomeWales Weather50 Years of Landsat – Watts Up With That?

50 Years of Landsat – Watts Up With That?


We’re celebrating 50 years of the Landsat satellite tv for pc, the primary of which launched on July 23, 1972. The most recent within the collection, Landsat 9, launched in September 2021.

Landsat reveals us Earth from house. For 50 years, the mission has collected information on the forests, farms, city areas and freshwater of our house planet, producing the longest steady document of its variety. Choice makers from throughout the globe use freely accessible Landsat information to raised perceive environmental change, handle agricultural practices, allocate scarce water sources, reply to pure disasters and extra. 

This pure colour picture of Eleuthera Island, the Bahamas, was taken by Landsat 9 on January 18, 2022. Between Landsat 8 and Landsat 9, the Landsat program delivers full protection of the Earth’s floor each eight days. 

Picture Credit score: Michelle Bouchard utilizing Landsat information from USGS

Final Up to date: Jul 22, 2022

Editor: Yvette Smith



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